Sh. Yudh Veer Singh

Born on 30th January 1992 in the family of Sh. Pardeep Kumar Sagar and Smt Manmeet Kaur belongs to Ramshehar, Distt. Solan, H.P. Did my matric and 10+2 from G.S.S.S Ramshehar, Distt Solan and Graduation (B.A) from Mukund Lal National College Yamuna Nagar, Haryana. Thereafter, did L.L.B and L.L.M from Punjab University Chandigarh in 2013 and 2015 respectively. Qualified NET-JRF examination in 2014 and completed Ph.D from Punjab University Chandigarh on the topic “Issues related to farmers Suicide in India- A Socio-legal study with special reference to state of Punjab” in February, 2024. Joined H.P Judicial Services on 12th January 2019. After going through induction training at HP Judicial Academy, 16 Mile, Shimla and joined as Civil Judge-cum-Judicial Magistrate at Court No. II, Nurpur, Distt. Kangra on 17-06-2019. Thereafter, transfer and posted as Civil Judge-cum-JMFC, Baijnath on 15-01-2021. Remained posted as Civil Judge-cum-JMFC, Karsog, District Mandi w.e.f 10-12-2021 and as Mobile Traffic Magistrate Solan and Sirmour at Solan H.P. w.e.f. 10-04-2023. Remained posted as Civil Judge Cum Judicial Magistrate Court no 2, Sarkaghat, Mandi, w.e.f 19-04-2024 to 17-12-2024. Now on transfer joined as Civil Judge Cum Judicial Magistrate Court no 1, Sarkaghat, Mandi, on 17-12-2024.